What a magical treat at the Theatre in the Woods, Holt at the Holt Festival, listening to Tom Baxter and his wonderful band.

Tom's lyrical songs were interspersed with witty storytelling, captivating the audience with songs which ranged from the poetical (based on 13th century books as an inspiration) to the people in his life. His honesty about writer's block and how he manages to unblock it was illustrated by the 'Ballad of Davey Graham'.

Tom's talented band members superbly complimented Tom with masterful keyboards, drums, violin and double bass. Tom performed 'The Other Side of Blue, an enchanting keyboard solo accompanied by his long-standing friend Ollie on violin. His vocal ability was stunning and warmly appreciated by the audience who loved his energy and guitar playing.

'Better' featured as a superb encore, with Tom heart-warmingly honest about his life, and the audience loving every minute till the end.