Details of road closures planned as part of a £3 million revamp of North Walsham town centre have been revealed.

The county council has outlined the closures it plans to make for the Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) project, which is intended to pedestrianise and beautify the town centre.

The closures, to take effect from Monday, September 12, include:

-Market Street and Kings Arms Street will be closed to through traffic for eight weeks. Access to property will be maintained via a gateman.

-Market Place will be closed for 23 weeks. Loading and disabled Parking will still be available - access to the Market Place for these will be via Church Street. Short stay parking will be suspended, and parking will be available nearby in Bank Loke Car Park.

-The taxi rank on Market Street will be temporarily relocated to Church Street.

-Some pedestrian routes will be restricted due to paving works but access to shop frontages will be maintained at all times.