An award-winning chamber music group will be trying out the new Fishmongers' Recital Hall at Gresham's School, which has been crafted with the highest acoustic specifications in mind.

The Brook Street Band will be performing the Handel birthday concert, 'Handel and Margherita Durastanti - a musical marriage' on February 22, at 7pm.

Several members of the band, which performs world-wide, have a Norfolk connection. Soprano Nicki Kennedy lives in Holt, and harpsichordist Carolyn Gibley lives in Bunwell.

The Holt school has recently acquired a harpsichord, which means that they can now enjoy performances of 18th century baroque music with the appropriate keyboard instrument.

Band member Tatty Theo said: 'I believe this concert will be one of the first to use the harpsichord. All the vocal works were written for a special singer, Margherita Durastanti. This was most unusual in Handel's day, as he worked with her for over 20 years.'

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