Two very different English institutions came together in a north Norfolk nursing home yesterday when residents held a double celebration to mark National Apple Day and Trafalgar Day.

Keen amateur historian Bob Player visited Sun Court in Sheringham to talk about Nelson's great naval victory in 1805 and brought history very much closer for resident Jack Earl, 98, when he pointed out that the battle's last survivor had died only 15 years before Mr Earl's birth.

Mr Earl has even closer connections with the Norfolk-born admiral and lord as he attended the Norwich School, where Nelson was once a pupil.

Residents had also enjoyed joined in a hearty rendition of What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor; part of a performance by local musical duo Class Act.

And they, visitors and staff had taken part in events with an apple theme, including apple-bobbing and a competition to feel, smell, taste and identify nine different English varieties tracked down for the home by Sheringham greengrocer's Dawn Fresh, said Sun Court owner Tim Leadbeater.