A leading light of the community in Reepham has resigned from the town council to move to Scotland. John Dawes has brought a community speedwatch team to the town to cut speeding, helped numerous projects at Stimpson's Piece recreation group, including setting up a new skate park and other events, and is chairman of the Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Area Partnership.

A leading light of the community in Reepham has resigned from the town council to move to Scotland.

John Dawes has brought a community speedwatch team to the town to cut speeding, helped numerous projects at Stimpson's Piece recreation group and is chairman of the Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Area Partnership.

He was also founder of Reepham First Responders.

Trevor Bevan, chairman of Reepham Town Council, said: 'John has been a Reepham town councillor for only two years but in that time he has made a considerable impact on the town.

'The Town Council can ill-afford to lose a member with such commitment, enthusiasm and dedication to the welfare of the people of Reepham. We thank him and wish him well."

The new vacancy on the town council will be advertised and a member co-opted in due course.