Council bosses have been forced to draft in extra staff to deal with long queues at a tip on the outskirts of Norwich, which have led to tailbacks to the nearby A140 and NDR.

Norfolk County Council is coming under increasing pressure to deal with the problems at its busy Norwich North Recycling Centre, which have been blamed on the recent closure of another tip in the area.

The issue has been raised by Horsham & Newton St Faiths Parish Council, which has warned of the congestion the site is creating on the A140/NDR roundabout.

County Hall officials have deployed extra staff at the £4.5m recycling centre to try to manage the jams.

Norwich North Recycling CentreNorwich North Recycling Centre (Image: Sonya Duncan)

They claim that plans to introduce booking slots at the county's recycling centres - likely to be introduced later this year - will help the situation.

However, Dan Roper, Liberal Democrat county councillor for Hevingham and Spixworth said the new system would not solve the issue - and pinned the blame on the Conservative-controlled council's controversial decision to close Mayton Wood Recycling Centre, near Coltishall.

"The queues are a direct result of the closure of the Mayton Wood site last year, despite overwhelming public opposition," he said.

"This was completely foreseeable.

"A booking system is a real kick in the teeth for residents who have put up with that closure and reduced opening hours in summer.

"It is difficult to see how a booking system will deal with peak time demand, particularly with residents who work during the week."

North Norfolk News: Graham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transportGraham Plant, Norfolk County Council cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport (Image: Norfolk County Council)

The booking system at all 19 of the county's tips - which would save the council £200,000 a year - will be introduced if councillors agree to it in the next couple of months, after considering consultation.

READ MORE: New Norfolk recycling centre to be built after decision made

But the savings have already been agreed as part of the authority's £42m balancing of the budget, so if the booking system does not go ahead, alternative cuts would need to be made.

Graham Plant, the county council's cabinet member for highways, infrastructure and transport, insisted that bookings would help control the situation at Norwich North.

He said the local parish council had emailed with its concerns.

North Norfolk News: Liberal Democrat county councillor Dan RoperLiberal Democrat county councillor Dan Roper (Image: Dan Roper)

"I can confirm this matter is being reviewed by both highways and waste officers to establish whether there are reasonable measures to mitigate the concerns raised, in the interim, until a booking system is introduced later this year," he said.

"Our site operators have already provided extra staff and signage to improve traffic flow and reduce queuing times."

North Norfolk News: Mayton Wood Recycling Centre has been shutMayton Wood Recycling Centre has been shut (Image: Antony Kelly)