A rarely-performed opera is set to be brought to life once again by a popular theatre group.

Chaos will reign in a high society wedding when North Norfolk Chamber Opera (NNCO) revives Handel's Semele.

The performance encapsulates the tale of a beautiful bride, Semele, who is kidnapped by Jupiter, the philandering King of Gods, on her wedding day.

This in turn leads to the wrath of the jealous goddess, Juno.

The storyline offers a roller-coaster of emotions as Juno, using her messengers Iris and Somnus, the God of Sleep, carefully plans a terrifying downfall for the betrayed bride.

The NNCO production is in the round, fully staged, costumed, and accompanied by a chamber orchestra.

North Norfolk News: The opera can be experienced from May 30 to June 1 The opera can be experienced from May 30 to June 1 (Image: Submitted)

St Margaret’s Church in Cley-Next-the-Sea, a venue hailing from 1320, serves as the backdrop for this grand opera.

NNCO’s chair Katharine Jones said: ”What I like about Handel’s opera, Semele, is what is says about Handel.

"We are used to his beautiful, sacred music such as Messiah! But Semele is filled with passion and desire, revenge and triumph.

"I don’t associate Handel with any of these emotions, but I like to think that he had this other side to him.”

In this initiative, the opera company has joined hands with Holt-based Shirehall Plain Antiques, supporting their chosen charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

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The charity’s director, Mandy Allen, said: “We are delighted to join with NNCO once again in this initiative, and to benefit our chosen charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.”

Music director, Mark Jones, and stage director, Paul Hands, reunite again to grace the opera recital, adding to the spectacle's allure.

Mr Jones, an Adrian Boult conductor’s scholarship winner, is currently serving as the head of chapel music at Gresham's School.

North Norfolk News: St. Margaret's Church to host Handel's 'Semele' by North Norfolk Chamber Opera St. Margaret's Church to host Handel's 'Semele' by North Norfolk Chamber Opera (Image: Submitted)

Mr Hands has had the prestige of directing multi-award-winning, Norfolk-based actress Olivia Colman.

The opera can be experienced from May 30 to June 1 at 7pm.

For those interested in the tale of love, passion and revenge, tickets are available at northnorfolkchamberopera.org.uk.