A centenarian celebrated her milestone birthday with five generations of her family and more than 250 cards flooding in.

Resident at a nursing home in Wroxham, Myrtle Payne enjoyed a day filled with joy and surprises.

This included gifts from two prestigious football clubs, Liverpool and Norwich City, stirring much joy among the family.

With more than 15 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren, the birthday of the former pub landlady was indeed a grand affair.

North Norfolk News: Following a Facebook appeal, the retired pub landlady received more than 250 birthday cards Following a Facebook appeal, the retired pub landlady received more than 250 birthday cards (Image: Submitted)

Moving anecdotes about her life were shared; from her childhood days in Erpingham, north Norfolk, as a teacher's pet to her recalling the days she served in the Land Army during the war, and later receiving a medal from Prime Minister Gordon Brown for her service.

Myrtle's life took a turn towards hospitality when she moved into the King's Head pub at Erpingham, post-marriage, where she started her journey as a pub landlady.

While her husband farmed, she ran the show at the pub.

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An incredibly festive atmosphere brimming with merriment and reminiscence was created at Heron Lodge for her 100th birthday.

Heron Lodge manager Alison Lawrence said: “Sunday was a very busy day with all Myrtle’s family and friends attending.

"We had a wonderful party with two singers attending in the afternoon.”

Heron Lodge nursing home in Wroxham, has been her abode since her declining health in 2023.

North Norfolk News:  She recalls that coming from a strict home, she was not allowed to smoke or get married until she was 21 She recalls that coming from a strict home, she was not allowed to smoke or get married until she was 21 (Image: Submitted)

With her spirits high and not missing out on the essence of celebration, Myrtle revealed her secret to longevity.

She said: “Enjoying family and friends but not forgetting two glasses of brandy and lemonade every night for the past 40 years."

The event served as a heart-warming family reunion, and also a heartening example of affection from the community, in the form of numerous birthday cards and well-wishes.