Four days of fun, games, and discovering Jesus on Sheringham clifftops and beach has come to an end. 

Around 200 children and young people took part in at least one of the activities that formed part of Sheringham BeachLife, which is run by the town’s churches.

North Norfolk News: A scene from Sheringham BeachLife 2023A scene from Sheringham BeachLife 2023 (Image: Gareth Gabriel)

Peter Skivington, planning group leader, said: “We’ve had a fabulous week, with mainly glorious weather, and a huge amount of fun had by all.

"Many parents have been asking us for the 2024 dates, so they can book next year’s holiday in Sheringham."

Each morning began with a ‘beach special’, where participants gathered for songs, challenges and Punch and Judy shows with a difference. 

The theme for the week was ‘meeting Jesus’ with stories including the wedding at Cana, Zacchaeus in the tree, Martha and Mary, and the road to Emmaus being covered.

Mr Skivington said organisers wanted to thank Sheringham Tesco, Starlings toyshop, and Salt Cafe for donating prizes.

The next BeachLife event is expected to be a family fun day during the February half term. Next year’s summer BeachLife will run from August 27-August 30 next year.