Free and heavily discounted food is now on offer at a new food club in Sheringham which has been set up to help people with the soaring cost of living. 

The Salvation Army has set up the club in partnership with the Norfolk Community Foundation, and it is already welcoming around 50 people a week. 

Alex Bishop, the town’s Salvation Army leader, said: “These are difficult and unusual times for everyone, which is why we have opened up the scheme to anyone who feels they are struggling to afford food right now. 

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“Our food club will operate alongside other progammes we run, such as our food bank emergency provision and our coal and logs programme.”

Members pay a fee of £5 every six months.

They can then have up to five lots of fruit or veg free each week, and other goods are substantially discounted.

Simon Fenn, community manager, said he was delighted at how the food hub was going so far and enjoyed its launch.

Mr Fenn said: “It really brought the town together and there were a lot of people buzzing around and chatting – it was a really inspiring, lovely day. 

“The club is a gathering point for relationship building and joining the dots. It’s an excellent vehicle for mission and for spreading God’s love.”

Foundation chief executive, Claire Cullens, said the Sheringham club was one of 17 in a Nourishing Norfolk Network.

She said: “It brings us another step closer to ensuring no one in Norfolk goes hungry. 

“The hub will also link people to support that will help them escape food insecurity, delivering long-term impacts across the community.”

The food club, at the Salvation Army’s Cremer Street base, is open Mondays and Thursdays from 10am to 1pm and on Fridays from 1pm to 5pm.