One US American student will receive a scholarship to study at Gresham's School every year following a £1 million donation from an anonymous donor.

The Holt public school has just announced the windfall was made earlier this year by one of its former students - who are known as Old Greshamians (OGs).

The donation means the school can rejoin the English-Speaking Union programme (ESU), which it was part of from 1960 to 1995.

Douglas Robb, headmaster, said: “We are thrilled to be in receipt of such a generous donation, and most grateful to the OG for having revived and endowed a scholarship programme that was in place at Gresham’s for many years and which had a lasting impact on the school community.

"Their support will ensure there will always be a US scholar at the school, giving them the chance to expand their horizons and benefit from a Gresham’s education before they embark on the next stages of their educational and professional journey."

The first scholar will come to Gresham's in September next year.