A primary school's leaders are taking "effective action" to lift it out of special measures, according to the education watchdog.

Antingham and Southrepps Primary School was rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted in early 2020.

Inspectors said: "Pupils are happy coming to school. Yet, the quality of education they receive is poor. Leaders provide a curriculum that is often a jumbled mix of lessons."

A follow-up inspection carried out over two days in July found the school was still 'inadequate'.

But inspector Steve Mellors added in his report: "Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures. The school’s improvement plan is fit for purpose."

It adds: "Having considered the evidence, I strongly recommend that the school does not seek to appoint early career teachers."

Mr Mellors notes the 67-pupil school on Lower Street, Southrepps, near Norwich, has seen "significant changes in leadership" including a new headteacher.

His report goes on: "Despite significant changes in leadership, the school has continued to improve the quality of education that pupils receive.

"The new headteacher has carried out a review of the current curriculum and intends to simplify plans by making connections across subjects more explicit.

"Greater support is planned to ensure that teachers have appropriate resources to deliver plans effectively. These actions are very new and so the impact of these on improving the quality of education is not evident."

Mr Mellors said the teaching of early readying was one of the school's strengths, while pupils' behaviour is improving.

"Pupils are more attentive, eager to learn and willing to contribute during lessons than in the past," he adds.

In September 2021, Synergy Multi Academy Trust became responsible for the school. Mr Mellors says it has brought stability to the school at a time of change.

It has brought in new governors, who Mr Mellors says "ask key questions to ensure that leaders are making the right decisions to improve the school".