A Norfolk agricultural student has won a national bursary award to help his postgraduate research into crops and climate change.

Ludo de Falbe, from West Runton - who has a natural sciences degree from Durham University and is now studying for a masters in crop science at the University of Cambridge - has been selected for a Centenary Award from the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust.

He is one of three UK students this year to receive the bursary for 75pc of their course fees.

His studies are exploring ways to improve crops' resilience to climate change, through techniques including regenerative agriculture and biotechnology.

“Making our crops more resilient to climate change is imperative to securing our future," he said.

"My studies include an investigation into gas exchange plants, and how the air spaces in leaves develop, with a view to improving water-use efficiency.

"I am very grateful for the opportunity to pursue my career aspirations with the support of this prestigious award."

The award was launched by rural insurer NFU Mutual in 2010, seeking to support "agricultural leaders of the future", and to champion research and innovation within the industry.